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Books from Synthesis Press:

This is the seminal work by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, M.D. on a psychological model he developed called psychosynthesis. He was a contemporary and colleague of both Freud and Jung and had studied the work of both schools associated with them. He saw psychosynthesis as an evolution of the psychological thinking of the time to include all of a person’s body, mind & spirit in the process of psychiatry, psychotherapy and self knowledge. This book contains many of his early writings describing psychosynthesis and its application to psychotherapy and self improvement. It is an essential work for understanding the principles, techniques and application of psychosynthesis both as applied in various clinical settings as well as for the personal growth of the reader.
This is Dr. Roberto Assagioli’s second book on the psychological system he formulated known as Psychosynthesis. It continues where his first book left off and delves into the important process of willing as a psychological function based on a higher self rather on guilt or determination as in the Victorian concept of the will.
We spend most of our lives as members of collections of people – families, corporations, churches, civic groups, gangs, book clubs, sports teams, ethnic groups, economic systems, nation states, to name a few. But, we have very little understanding of how these groups or systems work. We tend to see human systems as simply the collection of the people that make them up. When something goes wrong in a system, we see only the individual people so some person must be at fault – “You’re not carrying your weight in the family,” or “The director of manufacturing can’t manage his people so product quality has deteriorated.” Clearly, this way of seeing and interpreting events leads to finger-pointing, blame and polarization among the very people who need to be working together to solve the systemic problem. It also leads to paralysis and gridlock as we wait for those ‘other’ people who are causing our problems, to change. So we change wives, or we change the director of manufacturing, or we change president of the United States, but nothing really changes. This book helps the reader understand why and what to do about it.
The Call of Self: Psychosynthesis Life Coaching takes readers on a journey to the depths and heights of a transpersonally oriented life coaching methodology.

Some More Books by Dorothy (Didi) Firman:

Counseling in a Complex Society: Contemporary Challenges to Professional Practice.  Dorothy Firman, Contributor

Written as an attempt by a group of experienced counselors and professors of counseling to come to grips with the complex environment of the 21st century and the challenges it lays on people entering or practicing in the field. Race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual preference all have to be understood in their relation to the client’s identity and addressed in an appropriate manner. Dorothy as a contributor offers the humanistic and transpersonal view of psychosynthesis as a powerful tool for working with all populations in this complicated world.

Counseling with Confidence: From Pre-Service to Professional Practice,  Dorothy Firman, Contributor

A second book edited by Nick Young & Chris Michael on the nuts and bolts of starting a successful practice. This book includes everything from choosing a counseling modality, a population to work with, to furniture and finances. Dorothy’s article focuses on strategies for the beginner entering the field, advice both practical and philosophical.

Chicken Soup for the Father & Son SoulJack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Dorothy Firman, and Ted Slawski

Dorothy’s final entry in the Chicken Soup series, this one co-authored with her husband Ted.

Engaging Life: Living with Chronic Illness, by Dorothy Firman, Ed.D

Dorothy’s book on dealing with chronic illness.

See more books by Dorothy Firman at: